Nomad Boomer - Time for Tranquility
Read the blogs and you will begin to appreciate these

Steps on the Path to Self-Discovery



Spiritual Awakening

Spiritual Awakening





Welcome to Time for Tranquility

Hi! I’m Susan Williams, and I’m glad you’re here.

This space is for you—especially if you’ve found yourself craving something deeper, more peaceful, and meaningful in this phase of life.

Like many, I faced uncertainty during the pandemic. It wasn’t easy, and I could have given up. But instead, I embarked on a self-discovery journey across India, Nepal, Thailand, and Japan.

I sought ancient wisdom in temples, monasteries, and yoga retreats, looking for answers, inner peace, and personal growth.

Have I found all the answers? Not quite. And maybe that’s okay.

As Lao Tzu once said, “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.”

My goal is to keep moving forward—and share what I’ve learned with you along the way. If you’re reading this, you’ve already taken your first step. Let’s keep walking together.

Why Time for Tranquility Exists

This blog has been created to share knowledge, guidance, encouragement, and companionship with those exploring self-discovery and spiritual practices.

If you feel like something is missing—something that the busyness of daily life couldn’t quite fill—you’re not alone.

You might be at a stage where things are calm on the surface, but deep inside, there’s an ache for something more.

Perhaps you’ve raised a family, built a career, and enjoyed your share of life’s joys—but now, you’re wondering: What comes next?

Here at Time for Tranquility, I share reflections, practices, and lessons I picked up along my spiritual journey. Each blog post is a piece of the puzzle.

It won’t give you all the answers (I’m still figuring it out too), but it might inspire you to begin—or continue—your own journey.

The topics you’ll find here revolve around four main areas: self-awareness, spirituality, mindfulness, and meditation. Let me walk you through what each means and how it might speak to you.

Self-Awareness: Know Thyself

Self-awareness is about tuning into your inner world—your thoughts, emotions, and patterns. It’s the foundation of personal growth. It’s hard to make intentional changes or find peace, without knowing yourself.

During my travels, I learned that self-awareness isn’t about fixing yourself. It’s about accepting yourself—flaws and all.

When you start noticing your thoughts and behaviors without judgment, you create the space for change. It’s like learning to be a kind observer of your own life.

One way to begin is through journaling. Ask yourself, What makes me happy? What drains me?

Honest answers to these questions can unlock surprising insights. You will discover, as I did, that self-awareness brings a sense of freedom—because once you know yourself, you can let go of what no longer serves you.

Spirituality: A Connection Beyond Yourself

Spirituality is a deeply personal thing and means different things to different people.

It’s not necessarily tied to religion—it’s more about your connection to something greater than yourself. It could be nature, the universe, or even a sense of inner peace.

During my travels through India, I discovered that spirituality isn’t about seeking something outside yourself.

As the Upanishads say, “You are your deepest desire.” In other words, the peace and purpose you seek are already within you—you just need to reconnect with it.

Spirituality can be as simple as finding moments of wonder in your daily life—watching a sunrise, feeling the cool breeze on your skin, or just sitting quietly with yourself.

Spirituality is not about seeking; it’s about being.

Mindfulness: Be Present in the Moment

Mindfulness is the practice of being fully present in whatever you are doing. It’s the antidote to the mental chatter and distractions that keep us feeling restless and overwhelmed.

During my time in Buddhist monasteries, I learned that mindfulness isn’t complicated. It’s about paying attention to your breath, noticing the taste of your morning tea, or feeling the ground under your feet as you walk through a forest.

When you give your full attention to small moments, life becomes richer.

Mindfulness can help quiet your mind and bring you back to the present moment—where peace always resides.

As Thich Nhat Hanh succinctly put it, “The present moment is the only time over which we have dominion.”

Meditation: Your Quiet Refuge

Meditation is often misunderstood as an activity where you must “empty your mind.”

But it’s the exact opposite. In meditation, you learn to sit with whatever thoughts or emotions arise and observe them without judgment.

I struggled with meditation at first—it wasn’t easy to sit still. But over time, I learned that it’s okay if your mind wanders. It is only natural. What matters is that you keep coming back to the breath, again and again.

Meditation creates a quiet space where you can listen to yourself. It teaches you to be patient and gentle with your thoughts.

Scientific studies have shown that mindfulness and meditation reduce stress and anxiety and increase a sense of inner calm.

Regular meditation practice can make a big difference. Start small, be kind to yourself, and trust the process. Over time, meditation becomes a friend—a refuge you can return to whenever life feels overwhelming.

Start Your Journey Today

If you’ve ever felt that tug—a quiet but persistent yearning for more meaning and peace—this blog is here to help you explore that feeling.

Whether you’re interested in becoming more mindful, deepening your spiritual practice, or simply understanding yourself better, Time for Tranquility is the space for you.

There’s no “right” way to do this journey, and you don’t have to have everything figured out. The only thing that matters is showing up for yourself.

So, take a deep breath. Start where you are. Read a post that speaks to you, or try a practice that resonates. Remember, every small step counts.

I’m honored to share this path with you. Let’s walk together—one step at a time, one breath at a time.

A Final Word

As you navigate this new phase of life, know that you are not alone. Many others, just like you, are also looking for the same peace and fulfillment.

This journey isn’t about perfection. It’s about finding small moments of joy and tranquility.

And whenever you need some inspiration or guidance, you’ll find it here at Time for Tranquility.

Check out my About page if you ever want to email me to discuss any personal issues in your journey.