20 Ways to Become More Positive and Be Happy

Aging brings both joy and challenges. The difficulties, you face, can often be overwhelming. However, become more positive as you age and you will be better equipped to sail through your golden years!

Of course, life is not easy if you are retired and are facing the classic “empty nest syndrome”. It is natural to be concerned about your health, feel lonely, and find too much time on your hands with little to do.

Worrying, anxiety, and slowly inching toward melancholy and depression is not the answer. Instead, get a hold of yourself, become more positive, and make the most of your life.

As Jon Kabat-Zinn famously said, “You can’t stop the waves, but you can learn to surf.” Let’s do that. Let’s learn to surf. Let’s become more positive!

To become more positive as you age can make a significant difference in how you experience each day. A positive mindset can help you embrace new opportunities; and find joy in simple moments. It allows you to connect with others, nurture your spirit, and appreciate the beauty around you.

The million-dollar question is how to become more positive as you age. There are no silver bullets, but incorporating some of the 20 practices, listed below, will help you become more positive.

1. Start Each Day with Gratitude

Upon waking, take a few moments to reflect on what you’re grateful for. Recognizing the good things in life and expressing gratitude for them, helps you start the day with a positive mindset.

Keep a gratitude journal by your bedside to jot down one or two things that make you feel thankful.

2. Practice Deep Breathing Exercises (Pranayama)

After expressing gratitude, it is time to show some love to your body and mind. Pranayama and Meditation can help you do just that!

Pranayama is a practice of controlled breathing techniques rooted in ancient yogic traditions. The word “Pranayama” comes from Sanskrit, where “prana” means life force or breath, and “ayama” means control.

Pranayama is an Yogic practice. Yoga should always be learned from an experienced teacher.

Of course, once you have learned the basics, you can practice by yourself. Aim for around 15 minutes of Pranayama.

3. Engage in Mindfulness Meditation (Vipassana)

Pranayama is an excellent way to prepare your body and mind for mindfulness meditation.

Mindfulness Meditation, (aka Vipassana), involves observing your breath without judgment. You focus on the sensation of breathing, noticing each inhale and exhale.

Remember, in Mindfulness Meditation, you do not attempt to control your breath, as in Pranayama, just bring awareness to it.

Bringing awareness to your breath, causes you to become more aware of your thoughts and feelings. You can understand and respond to them with clarity, calmness, and rationality.

“Breath is the bridge which connects life to consciousness, which unites your body to your thoughts.” — Thich Nhat Hanh

Aim for between 30-60 minutes of mindful meditation. Avoid using meditation apps or even a timer. Your body and mind will tell you when to stop.

4. Get Some Exercise

Incorporate gentle movement into your morning routine, such as stretching, yoga, or walking. This will boost your mood, increase mobility, and provide a positive, energized start to the day.

Aim for 20-30 minutes of physical activity.

5. Eat Healthy, Eat Mindfully

Without a doubt, breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Try to make your breakfast healthy and nutritious. Eating a savory breakfast with a high protein and fiber content is ideal.

Make sure to eat mindfully. Mindful eating is paying attention to each bite, and savoring the flavors and textures. Mindful eating promotes a deeper connection to your body and encourages gratitude for the nourishment you’re receiving.

6. Set Small, Achievable Goals

At the beginning of your day, write down a few small, manageable tasks. Setting achievable goals helps create structure and purpose, giving you something to look forward to as the day unfolds.

Celebrate each accomplishment, no matter how small.

7. Spend Time in Nature

If possible, spend some time outdoors in the late morning or early afternoon. Get some sunlight, as it helps in the production of vitamin D, essential for maintaining strong bones and preventing osteoporosis.

A short walk in nature or simply sitting outside can help reduce stress and boost your mood. Try to make this a daily habit to connect with the healing power of nature.

8. Stay Connected (In Person)

In the afternoon, make time to reach out to family or friends. Whether it’s a phone call or a quick visit, social interaction helps maintain emotional well-being.

Make an effort to join a group of ladies who have similar interests. Meet them for coffee or brunch and share stories.

In this digital age, a dose of real human connection will help combat loneliness and bring joy to your day.

9. Limit Negative Media Exposure

It is easy to fall prey to social media. In my opinion, it is a huge waste of your time and mental faculties. Try to avoid it as much as possible.

Further, try to take a break from media that brings negativity, such as news or stressful TV shows.

Instead, choose uplifting books, music, or light-hearted entertainment to keep your mood positive and relaxed.

10. Laugh More Often

Make laughter a part of your day by watching a funny show or spending time with people who make you smile. Laughter reduces stress and instantly lifts your mood.

Make friends with people who have a light-hearted approach to life. There is no reason to feel miserable most of the time. Even when something goes wrong, ignore it by laughing about it.

11. Foster Creativity

Are you already passionate about a creative hobby like painting, writing, or knitting? Great! Spend some time on creative expression during the day.

If you don’t have any such hobbies, get one or two. It is never too late to learn a new language or learn to play a musical instrument.

Dedicate an hour or two to your creative pursuits as a fulfilling way to engage your mind.

12. Engage in Lifelong Learning

Throughout the week, allocate time to explore a new hobby or subject. Whether it’s reading a book, taking an online class, or pursuing a new skill,

Lifelong learning keeps the mind sharp and brings a sense of fulfillment and growth. You will notice that as you spend time learning something new, you also become more positive in life.

13. Volunteer or Help Others

Incorporate small acts of kindness or volunteer work into your daily routine. Helping others provides a sense of purpose and connection.

Did you retire as a teacher? Why not teach for free at an orphanage or volunteer at the local library? Not only will they help you pass your time, but the act will also help you become more positive in your outlook!

14. Declutter Your Space

In the evening, spend a few minutes organizing a small area of your home. A tidy, organized environment creates a sense of calm and clarity, making it easier to unwind and relax before bedtime.

I find the tips from Marie Kondo very encouraging. As I declutter and organize, I also become more positive about my life.

15. Practice Self-Compassion

Throughout your day, be kind and gentle with yourself. Whenever you feel critical thoughts arise, practice self-compassion.

You can incorporate this by repeating positive affirmations or writing down words of encouragement. Check out my article, 101 Daily Affirmations for Positive Thinking, Best Suited for Seniors! for ideas.

16. Embrace Positive Self-Talk

Throughout the day, consciously replace negative thoughts with positive affirmations. Positive self-talk encourages a mindset of optimism and self-compassion.

Repeat affirming statements or write them down to reinforce this practice.

“The more you feed your mind with positive thoughts, the more you can attract great things into your life.” – Roy T. Bennett

17. Cultivate a Spiritual Practice

Dedicate quiet time in the evening for spiritual reflection, prayer, or meditation.

Set aside 10-15 minutes for quiet reflection, prayer, or meditation. Focus on your breath, express gratitude, or recite an affirmation. You might read a passage from a spiritual text.

Lighting a candle or listening to soothing music can help create a peaceful atmosphere. I like listening to the music of the Tibetan Singing Bowl. It is very relaxing and spiritually inspirational.

18. Develop a Gratitude Ritual Before Dinner

For me, saying grace before dinner is a moment to pause and reflect on the blessings in my life. This gratitude ritual helps me feel grounded and grateful.

Develop your own gratitude ritual; it’s a lovely way to start winding down the day, with a warm and grateful heart.

19. End the Day with Positive Reflection

Before bedtime, reflect on the positive moments from your day, no matter how small. This practice helps end your day on a peaceful, uplifting note, which can promote restful sleep.

You can do this mentally or write it in a journal. Make a promise to yourself to become more positive tomorrow.

20. Prioritize Sleep and Relaxation

As part of your evening routine, create a calming environment to promote restful sleep. Read a light book, stretch, or listen to calming music.

Mindfulness Meditation for Sleep & Relaxation is also quite helpful! Prioritizing relaxation ensures you manage emotions effectively and wake up refreshed for the next day.

In Conclusion

Embracing these 20 ways to become more positive is not just about feeling happier; it’s about nurturing your spirit and finding joy in every moment.

Life may present challenges, but with a positive mindset, you can face them with strength and resilience.

Your golden years can be filled with happiness, purpose, and fulfillment. All you need to do is to become more positive!

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